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- No, Pete, the South Dakota college board of Regents.
Bukan, Pete, pengawas Universitas South Dakota. - SAT is a registered Trade Mark of the College Board.
SAT adalah Merek Dagang terdaftar dari Dewan College. - A notice on the college board says... they won't allow us to appear for the exams without the card
Di papan perguruan tinggi diumumkan bahwa mereka tidak memperbolehkan kami mengikuti ujian tanpa kartu. - The SAT is wholly owned, developed, and published by the College Board, a private, non-profit organization in the United States.
SAT dimiliki, diterbitkan, dan dikembangkan oleh Dewan Sekolah Tinggi, sebuah organisasi nirlaba di Amerika Serikat. - Use our School Search Tool to find English as a Second Language (ESL) programs, universities, colleges, boarding schools, and summer programs. Use the filters to help search for specific degrees, field of study, and location to find the perfect school for you.
Gunakan Alat Pencarian Sekolah kami untuk melihat program English as a Second Language (ESL), program universitas, program sekolah asrama, program musim panas. Gunakan filter untuk membantu mencari gelar, bidang studi, dan lokasi tertentu guna menemukan sekolah yang paling tepat bagi Anda.